Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) SARPN thematic photo
Regional themes > Trade Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Joint Zambian Civil Society Statement on Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) December 31, 2007 Deadline
CSTNZ/JCTR , 20 Dec 2007

2008 National Budget Statement: Zimbabwe
Minister of Finance, Zimbabwe, 29 Nov 2007

Joint Statement of the 10th China-EU Summit: Beijing, 28 November 2007
China-EU Summit, 28 Nov 2007

Partnership for Development: 9th Africa Partnership Forum
Africa Partnership Forum (APF) Support Unit, 12 Nov 2007

The impact of China on sub-Saharan Africa
Raphael Kaplinsky, Dorothy McCormick and Mike Morris , Institute for Development Studies (IDS), Nov 2007

Mauritius Response Paper - Seventh Africa Governance Forum: Building the Capable State in Africa
Government of Mauritius, 24 Oct 2007

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Economic Partnership Agreements
Commission of the European Communities, 23 Oct 2007

In Search of Sustainable Democratic Governance for Africa: Does Democracy Work for Developing Countries? Concept Note for 2nd Annual EISA Symposium 20-24 October 2007
EISA, 20 Oct 2007

Enhancing the role of Parliamentarians and Civil Society in Trade and Integration - Communique of the Regional Parliamentary-Civil Society Conference on Trade and Integration
SADC Parliamentary Forum and One World Action, 11 Oct 2007

How does influence-peddling impact industrial competition? Evidence from enterprise surveys in Africa
Vijaya Ramachandran, Manju Kedia Shah and Gaiv Tata, Center for Global Development (CGD), Oct 2007

Zimbabwe Mid-Year Monetary Policy Statement
Dr. Gideon Gono, Governor, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, 1 Oct 2007

The macroeconomic implications of MDG-based strategies in sub-Saharan Africa
John Weeks and Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC), Oct 2007

From legal commitments to practice: Monitoring Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)
Sanoussi Bilal, Franziska Jerosch, Niels Keijzer, Christiane Loquai and Francesco Rampa, European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), Oct 2007

Letter from the President: MDGs - defences against the tsunami of world poverty
Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, 21 Sep 2007

The World Bank: Development agency, credit union, or institutional dinosaur?
Chan Chee Khoon, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 20 Sep 2007

Why have tax reforms hampered MDG financing?
Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sep 2007

Growth, poverty and inequality in Mozambique
Pekka Virtanen and Dag Ehrenpreis, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Poverty Centre (IPC), Sep 2007

The state of responsible business: Global corporate response to environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges
Ethical Investment Research Services (EIRIS), Sep 2007

Informal Cross Border Food Trade in Southern Africa
FEWS NET/ World Food Programme (WFP) Cross Border Food Trade Monitoring System Technical Committee, Sep 2007

2007 SADC Summit Communiqué (Lusaka, Zambia)
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 17 Aug 2007

When capital earns a 20% real return, what is left for labor? A glimpse into Latin American Reality
Arnold Harberger, Center for Global Development, 10 Aug 2007

Implementation of Government's National Industrial Policy Framework: Industrial Policy Action Plan, August 2007 (South Africa)
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Government of South Africa, Aug 2007

South African Energy Policy and G8 Petersburg Declaration on Global Energy Security
Hilton Trollip, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Aug 2007

Why inclusion of services in the EPAs is problematic: Legal and development implications
South Centre, Aug 2007

China and the End of Poverty in Africa- towards mutual benefit?
Penny Davies, European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) and Diakonia, Aug 2007

The Monterrey Consensus and Development in Africa: Progress, challenges and way forward
Kavazeua Katjomuise, Patrick N. Osakwe, Abebe Shimeles, and Sher Verick , United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Aug 2007

Communiqué of SARPN round table on Democracy, Poverty and Development: Perspectives and Lessons from SADC Island States
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) and CSOs, 19 Jul 2007

Concept Note: SARPN sub-regional round table on "Democracy, Poverty and Development: perspectives and lessons from SADC island states"
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 19 Jul 2007

Communiqué La démocratie, la pauvreté et le développement : Perspective et leçons des îles-états de la SADC
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 19 Jul 2007

From the ground up: Natural resource governance for reconstruction and sustainable development
J.G. (Pal) Martins and Brittany Kesselman, Pax Africa, 17 Jul 2007

SEATINI Bulletin, Vol 10 - no 7
Richard Kamidza, Ludwig Chizarura, Aulline Mabika, and others, Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI), 15 Jul 2007

Spotlight on development: Towards the Millennium Development Goals
Andrew Harris, Editor, NANGOF Trust, Jul 2007

The new scramble for Africa: Grain
GRAIN, Jul 2007

Breakfree: The Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development - Monthly Newsletter, July-August 2007
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD), Jul 2007

International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in Africa News Briefing, Issue 22
Bank Information Center (BIC), 29 Jun 2007

Assessing resource mobilization and management strategies for MDGs in SADC
Charles Mutasa, 27 Jun 2007

MDGs: Promises and actions - It is almost half-time
Henri Valot, Civicus, Global Call to Action against Poverty, 27 Jun 2007

Report of the SARPN policy dialogue: 'It Is Almost Half Time'?: Will the SADC Region Achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the Target Date of 2015?
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 27 Jun 2007

World Economic Forum on Africa: Raising the bar
World Economic Forum, 13 Jun 2007

What could the Doha Round mean for Africa?
Katherine Vyborny, Carnegie Endowment, 12 Jun 2007

Gender and Trade: impacts and implications for financial resources for gender equality
Mariama Williams, 12 Jun 2007

Social protection and poverty reduction in Southern Africa
Professor Marius Olivier, Centre for International and Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (CICLASS), University of Johannesburg, 9 Jun 2007

Briefing by Minister Aziz Pahad on current international issues
Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, South Africa, 7 Jun 2007

Growth and Responsibility: A review of Business Action for Africa between the UK and German G8 presidencies, 2005-07
Richard Reeve, Chatham House, Jun 2007

Another Twist to "Coherence": Zoellick to Lead the World Bank (June 2007)
Center of Concern, Jun 2007

Strengthening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including through the global partnership for development: Report of the Secretary General
United Nations Secretary General, United Nations, 1 Jun 2007

Rethinking the Trading System
Aileen Kwa, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Jun 2007

Protecting health in the proposed Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between East and Southern African (ESA) countries and the European Union
Network on Equity in Health in Southern Africa (EQUINET) and Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI), Jun 2007

Global imbalances and developing countries: Remedies for a failing international financial system
Edited by Jan Joost Teunissen and Age Akkerman, Forum on Debt and Development (FONDAD), Jun 2007

Changes in the governance of global value chains of fresh fruits and vegetables: Opportunities and challenges for producers in sub-Saharan Africa
Temu A.E and N.W Marwa, South Centre, Jun 2007

Capacity building for the promotion of trade and investment in Africa - challenges and strategies
Soumana Sako, George Kararach, African Capacity Building Foundation, Jun 2007

Assessing the potential of fair trade for poverty reduction and conflict prevention: A case study of Bolivian coffee producers
Sandra Imhof and Andrew Lee, Jun 2007

Report of the SARPN-IGD Policy Dialogue on the Impact of Liberalisation on the South African Economy: The case of the tourism and clothing sectors
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) , 23 May 2007

Stakeholder engagement: A good practice handbook for companies doing business in emerging markets
International Finance Corporation - World Bank, May 2007

RECs, trade and integration
Patson Phiri, May 2007

Bio-fuels and food aid: The impact on southern Africa
Catherine Grant, Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme (RHVP), May 2007

Breakfree: The Zimbabwe coalition on debt and development - Monthly Newsletter
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd), May 2007

Poverty and inequality impacts of Trade Policy Reforms in South Africa
Ramos Mabugu, Margaret Chitiga, University of Pretoria and University of Zimbabwe, May 2007

Growth with responsibility in a globalized world '? Findings of the Shadow G-8
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Stephany Griffith-Jones , Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, May 2007

Aid for trade and financial assistance to implement the EPAs
South Centre, May 2007

State and trends of the Carbon Market 2007
Karan Capoor, Philippe Ambrosi, World Bank , May 2007

G8 Business Declaration
Federation of German Industries (BDI), 25 Apr 2007

The EU'?ACP Economic Partnership Agreements and the 'Development Question': Constraints and opportunities posed by Article XXIV and special and differential treatment provisions of the WTO
Cosmas Milton Obote Ochieng, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 24 Apr 2007

The Business of Exporting: Transaction costs facing suppliers in Sub-Saharan Africa
William M. Lyakurwa, African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), 23 Apr 2007

Trade Hub Happenings: April 2007
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Apr 2007

Maintaining policy space for development: A case study on IP technical assistance in FTAs
Pedro Roffe and David Vivas with Gina Vea, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Apr 2007

Regional economic outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Apr 2007

Beyond the Divide: The covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the World Trade Organization
Robert Howse and Ruti G. Teitel, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung , Apr 2007

Monitoring Economic Partnership Agreements: A methodological overview
Sanoussi Bilal, Francesco Rampa, Franziska Jerosch and Davina Makhan, European Centre for Development Policy Management, Apr 2007

Le suivi des accords de partenariat économique: une question de méthode
Sanoussi Bilal, Francesco Rampa, Franziska Jerosch et Davina Makhan, Centre européen de gestion des politiques de développement (ECDPM), Apr 2007

The potential impact of the aid for trade initiative
Sheila Page, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Apr 2007

Report on Economic Partnership Agreements (A6-0084/2007)
Robert Sturdy, Rapporteur, European Parliament, 27 Mar 2007

The fiscal impacts of trade liberalization
Aldo Caliari, Center of Concern, 14 Mar 2007

Accelerating Africa's Development to meet the MDGs: Challenges and the way forward for Southern Africa
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), 14 Mar 2007

Trade Hub Happenings: March 2007
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Mar 2007

Inside Southern African Trade (INSAT): March 2007
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Mar 2007

Signing away the future: How trade and investment agreements between rich and poor countries undermine development
Oxfam, Mar 2007

Can the natural resource curse be turned into a blessing? The role of trade policies and institutions
Rabah Arezki and Frederick van der Ploeg, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mar 2007

Maputo corridor: A transport logistics diagnostic tool study
Nathan Associates Inc., Mar 2007

Promoting employment and decent work for all - Towards a good practice model in Namibia
Bishop Dr. Z. Kameeta, Dr. Claudia Haarmann, Dr. Dirk Haarmann, Herbert Jauch, Basic Income Grant (BIG) Coalition, 7 Feb 2007

Trade Hub Happenings: February 2007
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Feb 2007

GATS dispute settlement cases: Practical implications for developing countries
South Centre, Feb 2007

Concessions to Poverty: The environmental, social and economic impacts of industrial logging concessions in Africa's rainforests
The Rainforest Foundation and Forests Monitor, Feb 2007

Promoting trade in Green Technologies: Another way of looking at Kyoto
Dr. Om P. Sharma, Ideas Centre, 2007

Agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mats Hårsmar (editor) , Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI), 2007

SACU, regional integration and the overlap issue in Southern Africa: From spaghetti to cannelloni?
Peter Draper, Durrel Halleson, Philip Alves, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Jan 2007

Comércio e pobreza
Viriato Teotonio Tamele, Coligação para a Justiça Económica / Coalition for Economic Justice, 2007

Climate change and foreign policy: An exploration of options for greater integration
John Drexhage, Deborah Murphy, Oli Brown, Aaron Cosbey, Peter Dickey, Jo-Ellen Parry and John Van Ham, Richard Tarasofsky and Beverley Darkin, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Denmark, 2007

Nothing is agreed till everything is agreed
Sarah Ngwenya, Insight News, 2007

Global Development Finance: the globalization of corporate finance in developing countries
World Bank, 2007

Africa after the Africa Commission: What priorities for the German G8?
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 2007

2007 G8: promises as usual! Statement by Jubilee Zambia
Muyatwa Sitali , JCTR Debt and Trade Project , 2007

Wider Angle - No 1, 2007
World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), 2007

Linking globalization to poverty
Machiko Nissanke and Erik Thorbecke, United Nations University (UNU) - World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), 2007

A National Industrial Policy Framework (South Africa)
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Government of South Africa, 2007

Plano Económico e Social para 2007, Mozambique
Government of Mozambique, 2007

Silences in NGO Discourse: The role and future of NGOs in Africa
Issa Shivji, 2007

Poverty eradication and the current debates
Jack Jones Zulu, Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) , 2007

Human security, vulnerability and sustainable adaptation
Karen O?Brien and Robin Leichenko , Human Development Report Office , 2007

Africa Development Indicators 2007
The World Bank / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 2007

Trade Hub Happenings: December 2006 '? January 2007
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Dec 2006

Inside Southern African Trade (INSAT): December 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Dec 2006

Linking trade, climate change and energy
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Nov 2006

Trade Hub Happenings: November 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Nov 2006

Developmental impacts of verification systems in the forest sector
Kate Schreckenberg, Neil Bird, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Nov 2006

Whither ACP trade relations with the EU in the context of Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) Negotiations? A case for alternatives
Thomas Deve, MWENGO, 23 Oct 2006

Linkages between Trade, Development and Poverty Reduction (TDP): Event Report
CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics and Environment (CUTS CITEE), 16 Oct 2006

Informal cross border food trade in Southern Africa: October 2006
Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), Oct 2006

Trade Hub Happenings: October 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Oct 2006

Informal cross border food trade in Southern Africa
World Food Programme (WFP), Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), Sep 2006

Regional economic outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Sep 2006

Poverty and labour market response to reforms in Uganda
Francis Nathan Okurut, Sarah N. Ssewanyana, Asaf Adebua, Sep 2006

Trade Hub Happenings: September 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Sep 2006

Inside Southern African Trade (INSAT): September 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub , Sep 2006

Economic partnership agreement between Eastern and Southern Africa countries on one part and the European Community and its Member States on the other part
Eastern and Southern Africa countries and the European Community and its Member States, 24 Aug 2006

Trade Hub Happenings: August 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Aug 2006

Are the planned increases in aid too much of a good thing?
Owen Barder, Center for Global Development, Jul 2006

Trade Hub Happenings: July 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Jul 2006

Mission unaccomplished: One year on from Gleneagles, is the G8 hitting its targets on debt, trade and aid?
Patrick Watt and Tom Sharman, Action Aid International, Jun 2006

Trade Hub Happenings: June 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub , Jun 2006

Inside Southern African Trade (INSAT): June 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Jun 2006

Monetary policy responses to aid surges in Africa
Christopher Adam, Stephen O?Connell, Edward Buffie, Catherine Pattillo, United Nations (UN), 22 May 2006

Plano de Acção para a Redução da Pobreza Absoluta 2006-2009 (PARPA II)
Ministry of Planning and Development of Mozambique, 2 May 2006

South Bulletin - 1 May 2006
South Centre, 1 May 2006

Statement by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi: Africa - The Home of Self-Endeavor
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, 1 May 2006

Trade Hub Happenings: May 2006
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, May 2006

Linkages between NEPAD and WTO
John H. E. Maré, Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Economic Justice Network (EJN), 6 Apr 2006

Fighting for alternatives: Cases of successful Trade Union resistance to the policies of the IMF and World Bank
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), Apr 2006

Informal cross border food trade in Southern Africa: April 2006

What would doubling aid do for macroeconomic management in Africa?
Mick Foster and Tony Killick, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Apr 2006

Trade Hub Happenings: April 2006
USAID Trade Hub, Apr 2006

Trade Hub Happenings - March 2006
Southern African Global Competitiveness Hub, Mar 2006

The realities of unfair trade: The case of a small scale cotton farmer in Zambia
Compiled by Daka Jimmy Zindikilani ? ODCMT, Organisation Development and Community Management Trust (ODCMT), Mar 2006

Inside Southern African Trade (INSAT), Issue 4
Southern African Global Competitiveness Hub, Mar 2006

The monopoly of Global Capital Flows: Who needs structural adjustment now?
Terry McKinley, Senior Researcher and Acting Director, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - International Poverty Centre, Mar 2006

South African Foreign Policy Monitor - March/April 2006
Published by the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Mar 2006

SARPN Interview with Pascal Lamy - Director General, World Trade Organisation
Pascal Lamy - Director General, World Trade Organisation, Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 12 Feb 2006

Trade Hub Happenings - February 2006
Southern African Global Competitiveness Hub, Feb 2006

Thinking outside the box about trade, development, and poverty reduction
Thomas I. Palley, Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF), 18 Jan 2006

WTO in 2006: Looking back to move ahead - Post-Hong Kong is more challenging
Pradeep S Mehta and Pranav Kumar, CUTS International, 2006

China's African Policy
The Chinese Government, Jan 2006

Gender and trade
Gender and Development In Brief - Bridge Bulletin, Jan 2006

Liberalizing trade and capital transactions: An overview
Ketil Hviding, 2006

Global development finance: The development potential of surging capital flows
The World Bank, 2006

From WSF 'NGO trade fair' to left politics?
Patrick Bond, 2006

Engaging Asia'?s biggest tiger: Exploring the contours of a SACU'?China trade deal
Philip Alves, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), 2006

Trade-Finance Linkages and Gender: Implications to Asian women
Athena Peralta, Avanti Mukherjee, and Maria Rosaria Iorio, International Gender and Trade Network-Asia (IGTN-Asia), 2006

Measuring Progress
Social Watch, 2006

Challenges facing Africa'?s regional economic communities in capacity building
Soumana Sako, African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), 2006

Hong Kong Final Declaration
World Trade Organization (WTO), 22 Dec 2005

Hong Kong outcomes for Africa: Everything but development
Africa Trade Network, 18 Dec 2005

Draft ministerial text negates development
International Gender and Trade Network (IGTN), 17 Dec 2005

Joint statement by COSATU (South Africa) and CUT (Brazil)
Zwelinzima Vavi, General Secretary of COSATU and Joao Vaccari Neto, International Secretary of CUT, COSATU and CUT, 16 Dec 2005

Can the development and poverty reduction objectives of the Doha round be achieved?
15 Dec 2005

Pulling the rug from under their feet: How the World Bank and the IMF reduce developing countries Trade Policy options
15 Dec 2005

LDC Trade and Development Perspective - 13 December 2005
13 Dec 2005

Prospects for developing country coalitions in the WTO
Oxfam, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), 7 Dec 2005

Inside Southern African Trade (INSAT) Newsletter - Special WTO Issue
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Dec 2005

Gender and Liberalisation
Sara Hlupekile Longwe, 1 Dec 2005

Informal Cross Border Food Trade In Southern Africa - December 2005
United Nations World Food Programme (UN WFP), Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), Dec 2005

Exporting from manufacturing firms in Sub-Saharan Africa
Neil Rankin, Måns Söderbom and Francis Teal, Global Poverty Research Group, Dec 2005

Africa in the World Economy: The National, Regional and International Challenges
Edited by Jan Joost Teunissen and Age Akkerman, Forum on Debt and Development (FONDAD), Dec 2005

Preparations for the sixth session of the Ministerial Conference - Draft Ministerial text
26 Nov 2005

IRTECO Workshop on Trade Discrimination, Poverty and Social Economic Empowerment strategy to LDCs
IRTECO, 25 Nov 2005

Roundtable on Benchmarking Development for Hong Kong and Beyond - Conclusions
Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI), 22 Nov 2005

Trade Hub Happenings
Southern African Global Competitiveness Hub, Nov 2005

Africa and the Doha Round
Oxfam International, Nov 2005

Gender and Trade Issues in Africa
Mohau Pheko, NEPAD Secretariat, Nov 2005

Reforming the IMF: Back to the drawing board
Yilmaz Akyüz, Third World Network (TWN), Nov 2005

Linkages between trade, development and poverty reduction
Compiled by Michelle Pressend, Institute for Global Dialogue, Nov 2005

Report of the proceedings of the first national dialogue and project launch workshop of the linkages between trade, development and poverty reduction (TDP) in Tanzania
Report prepared by the Economic and Social Research Foundation, Nov 2005

Trade Hub Happenings
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Oct 2005

Physician, Heal Thyself!
Jubilee Research, 27 Sep 2005

South Africa's Trade Policy
Barbara Kalima-Phiri, Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 23 Sep 2005

Final report and recommendations derived from multi-stakeholder consultations organised by New Rules for Global Finance Coalition
New Rules for Global Finance and Financing for Development, 14 Sep 2005

Bhurban G20 Ministerial Trade Declaration
9 Sep 2005

Inside Southern African Trade
Southern African Global Competitiveness Hub, Sep 2005

Spatial inequality and development
Ravi Kanbur and Anthony J. Venables, UNU-WIDER, Sep 2005

Inside Southern African Trade (INSAT): September 2005
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Sep 2005

Report on the proceedings of the Zambia national launch workshop on linkages between Trade, Development and Poverty Reduction
Report prepared by the Organisation Development and Community Management Trust (ODCMT), Organised under the joint auspices of Consumer Unity and Trust Society- Africa Resources Centre (CUTS-ARC) and Organisation Development and Community Management Trust (ODCMT), 30 Aug 2005

A history of poverty: Trade, investment and underdevelopment
Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika, 30 Aug 2005

Trade Progress Report: Doha Development Agenda and Aid for Trade
World Bank, 22 Aug 2005

Declaration of African civil society on the road to 6th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation in Hong Kong
Aug 2005

Stakeholders feedback on trade, development and poverty reduction initatives in Eastern and Southern Africa: key messages and possible ways forward
Alexander Werth, Consumer Unity Trust Society (CUTS) & Centre for International Trade, Economics and Enviroment (CITEE), 13 Jul 2005

Six myths about the benefits of foreign investment
James Petras, 2 Jul 2005

Uganda: Trade liberalisation and its impact on poverty
Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA), Jul 2005

A report on a joint rapid assessment of informal cross border trade on the Mozambique-Malawi Border regions
Maria Olanda Bata, Simon Dradri, Evance Chapasuka, Cosme Luis Rodrigues, Anabela Mabota, Duncan Sami, The Southern Africa Informal Cross Border Food Trade Monitoring Initative (FEWS NET, WFP & SIMA), 27 Jun 2005

Cosatu / SANGOCO / SACC Workshop on Non Agricultural Market Access (NAMA)
Global Unions, 24 Jun 2005

CUTS-ARC: Civil Society Consultative Forum on Least Developing Countries (LDC)
23 Jun 2005

Report on the Civil Society Consultative Forum on Doha Development Agenda in Preparation for LDC and WTO Ministerial Conferences
Consumer Unity Trust Society - Africa Resource Centre (CUTS-ARC), Civil Society for Trade Network Zambia (CSTNZ) and Organisation Development and Community Management Trust (ODCMT), 23 Jun 2005

Memorandum of civil society to the third session of the African Union Ministers of Trade
9 Jun 2005

The Cairo Declaration and road map on the Doha work programme
African Union, 9 Jun 2005

Report on 3rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Trade
Institute for Security Studies, 8 Jun 2005

The Colombo Declaration "10 years is enough - No deal at the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting"
Declaration of the organisations, movements and individuals gathered for the Asian Strategy Meeting on the WTO, Colombo Sri Lanka, 1118008800

Memorandum of Civil Society to the 3rd Ordinary Session of the AU Ministers of Trade / Mémorandum de la Société Civile à la 3ème Session Ordinaire des Ministres du Commerce de l'Union Africaine
African Trade Network, 5 Jun 2005

The economics of failure: the real costs of 'free' trade for poor countries
Christian Aid, Jun 2005

Parliamentary Centre workshop report: microfinance as a strategy for poverty reduction
Parliamentary Centre, 31 May 2005

EU-ACP economic partnership agreements: the effects of reciprocity
Christopher Stevents, Jane Kennan, IDS, Sussex, 20 May 2005

Africa's first welfare state: the experience of South African firms doing business in Botswana
Neuma Grobbelaar, Kaemete Tsotetsi, SAIIA, 17 May 2005

Commission / Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Abuja 14-15 May 2005 '? Draft ministerial statement
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), 14 May 2005

Preparing for Economic Partnership Agreements
Christopher Stevens, Jane Kennan, Institute of Development Studies (IDS) / Sussex, May 2005

The effect of China and India's growth and trade liberalisation on poverty in Africa
Rhys Jenkins, Chris Edwards, IDS / Enterplan, May 2005

The WTO negotiations on industrial tariffs: What is at stake for developing countries?
Yilmaz Akyuz, Third World Network, May 2005

Inside Southern African Trade: May 2005
Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, May 2005

Report on Global week of Action 2005 concert in Chipata
Susan Mwape, 16 Apr 2005

Why trade matters for improving food security
Supachai Panitchpakdi, FAO, 13 Apr 2005

Final report and recommendations: the ad-hoc expert group meeting and workshop on economic partnership agreements and WTO issues for southern Africa countries
Economic Commission for Africa, Apr 2005

The South Centre Quarterly on Trade Disputes - vol 1 issue 2
South Centre, Apr 2005

Fair trade? The European Union's trade agreements with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
International Development Committee, 23 Mar 2005

Social standards in bilateral and regional trade and investment agreements
Thomas Greven, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Mar 2005

Strategies for Mozambique's textile and apparel sector
Peter Minor, Nathan Associates, Mar 2005

GSP reform: a longer-term strategy (with special reference to the ACP)
Dr Christopher Stevens and Jane Kennan, Institute of Development Studies, Feb 2005

World Trade Report 2005: Exploring the links between trade, standards and the WTO
World Trade Organisation (WTO), 2005

Key points and action demands in relation to trade issues
Third World Network, 2005

Integrated assessment of the impact of trade liberalization: Country studies on the rice sector in China, Colombia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Senegal and Viet Nam
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2005

Human Development Report 2005
UNDP, 2005

Exploring the links between international business and poverty reduction: A case study of Unilever in Indonesia
Principal author: Jason Clay, An Oxfam GB, Novib, Unilever and Unilever Indonesia joint research project, 2005

Linkages between Trade, Development & Poverty

Trade and development report 2005
United Nations (UN), 2005

World Investment Report 2005
United Nations (UN), 2005

Calendar of events '? before, during and after WTO

The state of food and agriculture
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2005

Reducing capital cost in Southern Africa
Martín Grandes and Nicolas Pinaud, 2005

Zambia: Cotton trade campaign
Development and Community Management Trust (ODCMT), 2005

Economic development in Africa: Rethinking the role of foreign direct investment
United Nations (UN), 2005

Search this category:

Maputo corridor: A transport logistics diagnostic tool study
Agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa
The impact of China on sub-Saharan Africa
Joint Zambian Civil Society Statement on Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) December 31, 2007 Deadline

CUTS-ARC: Civil Society Consultative Forum on Least Developing Countries (LDC)
The realities of unfair trade: The case of a small scale cotton farmer in Zambia
Regional Integration and Debt in Africa: A comparative Report of Africa`s Regional Groupings

EALA to play central role in implementation of SDGs
9 September 2015, 8:33 am

Nairobi: As the clock on the timeframe for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ticks away, the regional Assembly is gearing up to take a more central role in the implementation of the Post 2015 Agenda through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). EALA Members have today commenced on a two day sensitization workshop on promoting SDGs with a mantra to ensure the region realizes the set objectives of reducing poverty, achieving food security and enhancing gender equality amongst other development initiatives.

Southern Africa moves on Sendai Framework
8 September 2015, 8:42 am

Maputo: African leaders and experts on disaster risk are moving ahead on detailed planning of implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the new global agreement on reducing disaster losses and a key pillar of the post-2015 Development Agenda. They have also agreed on peer reviews of each other’s performance in implementing national action plans based on the Sendai Framework. This process will start in September when Malawi will undergo the first such peer review on the continent.

Senior UN climate change official envisages ‘good agreement’ at upcoming Pairs conference
26 August 2015, 7:45 am

New York: The climate change agreement world leaders are expected to sign in December “has to take us to a less than 2 degree global warming path because that is the ultimate test of the whole package that will come out of Paris,” according to Janos Pasztor, a senior United Nations official dealing with the issue. “Our expectation is that there will be a good agreement signed,” Mr.

Have the MDGs affected developing country policies and spending?
21 August 2015, 10:18 am

One of the many baffling aspects of the post-2015/Sustainable Development Goal process is how little research there has been on the impact of their predecessor, the Millennium Development Goals. That may sound odd, given how often we hear ‘the MDGs are on/off track’ on poverty, health, education etc, but saying ‘the MDG for poverty reduction has been achieved five years ahead of schedule’ is not at all the same as saying ‘the MDGs caused that poverty reduction’ – a classic case of confusing correlation with causation.

SADC's Protocol on gender, development - a review
21 August 2015, 8:37 am

Harare:  "Botswana to Chair Review of SADC". "The people of Southern Africa will not judge us by the adoption of key strategic documents, but rather by the outcomes achieved, following implementation." These words, spoken by the incoming chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), President Seretse Khama Ian Khama of Botswana at the just ended 35th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Gaborone, are notable for two reasons.

Tracking intended nationally determined contributions: what are the implications for greenhouse gas emissions in 2030?
21 August 2015, 8:20 am

London: We may not be on an emissions pathway to avoid dangerous climate change just yet, but that doesn’t mean we’re on track for failure. A paper we published earlier this week confirms our previous finding that a global deal on climate change due in Paris this December is unlikely to be consistent with limiting global warming

Miguel Arias Cañete: briefing on the state of climate change negotiations
21 August 2015, 8:06 am

Brussels: Let me now turn to the main topic of my intervention today, which is to update you about climate talks ahead of the Paris conference. In just over 100 days, we will meet in Paris for one of the most important events of the year: the adoption of a new global climate change agreement. The Paris conference is a historic milestone: a unique opportunity to accelerate the shift to a low-carbon, climate-resilient global economy.

DRC, Djibouti submit their climate action plans
19 August 2015, 4:54 pm

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has submitted its new climate action plan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) comes well in advance of a new universal climate change agreement which will be reached at the UN climate conference in Paris, in December this year. This INDC and all ot

How Africa can show the world the way to a low-carbon future: 10 facts, 10 actions
19 August 2015, 4:19 pm

Africa’s energy challenges are immense. Power shortages diminish the region’s growth by 2-4 percent a year, holding back efforts to create jobs and reduce poverty. In addition, despite a decade of growth, the power generation gap between Africa and other regions is widening.

Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change
19 August 2015, 4:08 pm

Preamble: God – Whom we know as Allah – has created the universe in all its diversity, richness and vitality: the stars, the sun and moon, the earth and all its communities of living beings. All these reflect and manifest the boundless glory and mercy of their Creator. All created beings by nature serve and glorify their Maker, all bow to their Lord’s will.

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