The Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) is a non-profit organisation that promotes debate and knowledge sharing on poverty reduction processes and experiences in Southern Africa. SARPN aims to contribute towards effective reduction of poverty in the countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) through creating platforms for effective pro-poor policy, strategy and practice.
SARPN achieves this goal through widening participation, bringing people together across the region to exchange ideas, and disseminating information to deepen understandings of poverty issues and improve policy and practice.
SARPN's purpose Knowledge management * Building linkages * Promoting debate
SARPN was originally established as a project of the Human Sciences Research Council in 2001. In 2004 it became an independent regional entity, supported by a board of 20 regional policy makers, academics and civil society members.
Mode of operation
Knowledge management
Collecting and disseminating information
Undertaking commissions / studies
Providing commentaries
Building linkages
Developing directories and databases of stakeholders
Coordinating networks / discussion groups
Linking stakeholders
Promoting debate
Convening events / debates that examine issues of policy relevance
Facilitating the participation of marginalised groups in discussions
Promoting discussion across conventional barriers - including borders, institutional frameworks and sectors