Deeply Concerned by the level of progress made towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Africa;
Mindful of the importance of co-operation between developed and developing nations in the successful achievement of these goals;
Convinced of the importance of environmental sustainability, and the necessity for all programmes to subscribe to this belief;
Emphasizing the importance of full participation of the African Union in achieving the MDGs and the desire of all nations to be a full partner with the African Union in the pursuit and realization of these goals;
Believing that the attainment of MDGs is of utmost importance;
Reaffirming that achieving these goals in Africa will require the effort of all the world’s nations;
Suggesting that all developed nations deliver on their current commitments towards aid and mobilize support for raising additional financial resources for development;
Emphasizing that skill and infrastructure development with regards to the improvement of service delivery, community education and widespread immunization will be necessary to reduce health care problems in Africa.