The benefits to qualifying African countries of exporting to the United States of America (USA) under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) have been available since January 2001. While USA imports from Africa have been exposed to the weaker USA economy in recent years it did not erode all the benefits AGOA offers. In some cases African countries have actually increased their exports to the USA as a result of AGOA. These include Lesotho, Swaziland and Kenya.
Some qualifying countries have also experienced strong growth in foreign direct investment aimed at taking advantage of AGOA with positive spin-offs for increased employment and general economic activity. While linkages with other economic sectors are not yet fully exploited or developed AGOA has in general made a positive contribution to African economies.
However, not all qualifying African countries have fully embraced the opportunity offered by AGOA or they have been slow in mobilising themselves. With time running out and the September 2008 expiry date approaching no time should be wasted.