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Country analysis > Botswana Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Background and Terms of Reference for the Consultancy on the Formulation of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy

6. Methodology, processes and operational plan
The formulation of the National Poverty Strategy will make extensive use of participatory consultation techniques involving not only the concerned central and local government sectors, but NGO's, the private sector, local communities and the poor themselves. The consultant should provide an impressive and efficient method for undertaking this study.
In particular, thorough investigating has to be made as to how infrastructure, the services, the existing assistance programmes, and the people themselves as the principal engine of growth could be deployed to yield alternative sources of dependable and sustainable livelihoods through research, support systems and capacity building.
The formulation of the Strategy will be facilitated by a Consultant who will be supervised and report to a multi-sectoral Reference Group. The Reference Group which shall comprise an expanded National Food Strategy Monitoring Group will report to the Rural Development. The Consultant shall preferably be a Developmentspecialist practitioner with a strong social science background.
The Development Specialist shall have wide-ranging experience in poverty focused research and development work, especially, the design, implementation and management of poverty related interventions. Most specifically, the consultancy will compromise a core team as follows:
  1. Development Specialist - leader
  2. Socialist Scientist
  3. Agriculturalist
The following will be the output of the study:
  1. the study Report
  2. the Strategy
The consultant will be required to produce reports as follows:
  1. Inception report (2 weeks after signing of contract).
  2. Draft report On the strengths, weaknesses of current initiatives, and the existing programmes and policy gaps with conclusions (8 weeks after signing the contract)
  3. Second Draft report on the Strengths, weaknesses of current initiatives, and the existing programmes and policy gaps with conclusions (12 weeks after signing the contract)
  4. Submission of final report and draft National Strategy for Poverty Reduction to the Reference Group).
The duration of the consultancy should not exceed 4 months. The final draft Report with the findings and recommendations will be presented to the Rural Development Council for consideration and action.
A comprehensive work plan that shows the expected outputs against time will be developed before the consultants are commissioned and will be reviewed from time to time by the reference group for this consultancy. However, the broad time frame for the completion of the various activities entailed in this consultancy shall generally be as follows:
a) March/April 2001: Tender Invitation
b) End April: Evaluation of bids award
c) End May: Contract signing and commencemen
d) June: Production and review of the Inception Report
e) July: Production and review of the draft Report
f) August: Production of Draft Report
g) September: Production and submission of the Draft National Strategy for Poverty Reduction to the Reference Group

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