Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) SARPN thematic photo
Country analysis > Botswana Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Background and Terms of Reference for the Consultancy on the Formulation of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy

5. Specific terms of reference for the consultancy
In line with the fore-going, the specific terms of reference for the envisaged consultancy are as follows:-
  1. To produce a draft National Strategy on Poverty Reduction in line with the national development goals, aspiration and objectives of Vision 2016. The proposed strategy should encompass cost effective interventions with time bound objectives and targets, the specific modalities for the design and implementation of the programmes, and management and monitoring systems for poverty as well as for evaluating the implementation of the strategy itself. The strategy should be gender and health sensitive, environment friendly, cost effective and sustainable.
  2. To critically review the design, implementation, management and evaluation of existing intersectoral policy and programme framework of short, medium and long term poverty reduction initiatives, and propose alternative or a more effective approach, particularly taking into account the main thrusts of support to sustainable livelihoods; adequate, effective, and sustainable. Society Safetynets; and access by all citizens to qualify basic services.
  3. In consultation with the concerned sectors, and within the identified framework for poverty - reduction, to critically review the current poverty-related sectoral policies, strategies and programmes and to suggest ways of re-focusing and harmonising them for increased efficiency and effectiveness.
  4. To investigate causes of poverty and recommend effective reduction strategies thereof with increased orientation towards individual and household self-sustenance.
  5. To formulate a proposal for incorporating poverty concerns, indicators, analysis, situational reviews, management and other related matters into the national and district planning cycle and processes.
  6. To propose roles to be played by Government, the private sector, civil society, NGOs and other stakeholders in the planning, resourcing and implementation of poverty reduction initiatives taking cognisance of Community Based Strategy and other relevant government policies and strategies.
  7. To assess the institutional arrangements, capacity and overall effectiveness of existing institutional structures at both the national, district, sub-district and community levels and recommend improvements.
  8. To identify any other constraints to effective and sustainable poverty reduction and recommend feasible cost effective leverages of confronting identified impediments.
  9. To determine resource implications of the Strategy with emphasis on reorientating and or improving the efficiency and effectiveness of allocated resources. Recommend options for financing the Strategy indicating roles and responsibilities of different prime stakeholders.

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