This is the second progress report on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for Tanzania. The country has made significant achievements with regard to primary education, promoting gender equity, empowerment of women and improving environmental sustainability through access to water and sanitation. There has also been a significant reduction in child mortality.
While such progress signals that poor countries like Tanzania can achieve the MDGs with political commitment, good policies and increased resources still, several challenges remain. In particular, attention needs to be focused on health related MDGs including improving maternal health, and combating HIV and AIDS, Malaria and other major diseases. Youth unemployment is also high and there is a skewed distribution with regard to access to technology including ICT.
In terms of the goal of halving extreme poverty and hunger by 2015, by 2001(year of latest HBS for the Mainland) the per cent of population below the basic needs poverty line had fallen from 39 per cent in 1991/92 to 36 per cent. Likewise the per cent of food poor had fallen from 22 per cent to 19 per cent. However, the number of people had increased due to population growth. In addition, there were large variations with sharp declines in poverty in urban areas, especially Dar es Salaam, but only marginal declines in rural areas. Ongoing surveys in 2006/7 will provide a more comprehensive picture of the poverty status. Preliminary findings of the Household Budget Survey in Zanzibar (2004/05) show some decline in poverty incidence.
Tanzania has the potential to achieve its poverty reduction goal based on impressive GDP growth rates coupled with ongoing economic, governance and institutional reforms and the transformation of the rural economy. With an average GDP growth of 5.8 per cent since 2000, Tanzania is well on the way to achieving the 8 – 10 per cent growth per annum that would be required to achieve the MDGs given its annual population growth rate of 2.9 per cent.
This progress report begins with a review of the development context followed by a summary of progress and the monitoring and evaluation environment. Each goal is then discussed briefly with emphasis on the status and trends, the supportive environment and identification of challenges and priorities.