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Country analysis > Tanzania Last update: 2020-11-27  

Tanzania: Status Report 2006

Government of Tanzania


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The Status Report for 2006 is produced in accordance with the MKUKUTA Monitoring Master Plan which calls for a short report on the status of growth and poverty in Tanzania in those years in which a full Poverty and Human Development Report (PHDR) is not produced. It provides an overview of the most recent data on indicators of progress towards the goals and targets of MKUKUTA’s three major clusters of desired outcomes for poverty reduction: growth and reduction of income poverty; improvement of quality of life and social well-being; and governance and accountability.

The report presents information for the first year of implementation of MKUKUTA, based on the full set of MKUKUTA indicators. These indicators were developed in a consultative process based on the goals and targets in the annexed matrix of MKUKUTA (Vice President's Office (VPO), 2005). The process was coordinated by the Poverty Eradication Division, now in the Ministry of Planning, Economy and Empowerment, in close collaboration with other government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), and in consultation with representatives of development partners, civil society and other national institutions. See Annex for the list of indicators.

Analysis in this report is organised into three sections, one section for each of MKUKUTA’s three major clusters of desired outcomes. Each section presents the available data, and points out data gaps, challenges, and adjustments which may be warranted in the indicator set. Some of the indicators for growth and for social well-being were subject to analysis in the PHDRs of 2002, 2003 and 2005 (RAWG, 2002, 2003, 2005). The Status Report updates these data and also includes data for new indicators for governance.

Throughout this report, analysis relies as much as possible on yearly data. However, several indicators rely on survey data that is only available on an irregular basis. Therefore, for some indicators, new data was not available in 2006 but will become available in subsequent years.

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