This paper shows the prospects for child poverty in Britain in 2010/11 and 2020/21, as defined by the current government, under various tax and benefit scenarios. It makes use of a static microsimulation model, augmented with projections of some key
economic and demographic characteristics that affect the income distribution.
Under present tax and benefit policies, child poverty in 2010/11 will be little different from its current level, with beneficial demographic and economic changes offset by the fact that the income from tax credits and benefits received by low-income families with children will not keep pace with growth in earned income.
The policy for 2010/11 recommended and highlighted in the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s (JRF’s) final report (Hirsch, 2006)
relies on increasing the child element of the tax credit by 31%, and introducing new payments for families with three or more children linked to the family element of Child Tax Credit. This would cost around Ј4.3 billion in 2010/11. Policies that relied less on meanstested benefits and more on universal benefits could cost much more. By way of comparison, the government increased spending on child-contingent support by over Ј8 billion between 1999/2000 and 2003/04.
For 2020/21, the single policy highlighted in JRF’s final report relies on implementing the 2010/11 package, and then increasing the Working Tax Credit for couples with children by 37%, and increasing all benefits and tax credits received by families with children by 7% a year between 2010/11 and 2020/21. To implement this package, the government would need to find around Ј30 billion in 2020/21, equivalent to 1.7% of gross domestic product (GDP). This package would reduce child poverty down to
5% – consistent with the lowest levels ever recorded in western Europe – only if the extent of non-take-up of means-tested benefits and tax credits was reduced from current levels.
The policy packages for 2010/11 and 2020/21 would increase, on average, the effective marginal deduction rates faced by working parents. In addition, the incentive to work at all would be dulled for the second worker in a couple, and these feedback effects – which would increase child poverty or increase the cost to government of meeting its targets – have not been reflected in the modelling.
The fact that particular tax and benefit policies are analysed in this paper does not mean that the authors are recommending that such policies be introduced; instead, this paper provides further analysis and supporting materials to the policies discussed in the paper ‘What will it take to end child poverty?’ (Hirsch, 2006).