Welcome to the first edition of the electronic SusWatch Newsletter! SusWatch News is a monthly newsletter devoted to critical analysis and discussion of the Millennium Development Goals, with particular emphasis on Goals 1, 7 and 8.
But this does not mean the door will be shut to other pertinent issues such as health, education, gender, education and other issues with a bearing on the achievement of the MDGs. To this end, the MDGs e-Monitor Newsletter welcomes the exchange of ideas and experiences from all disciplines and viewpoints and from different stakeholders ranging from civil society, policymakers, UN agencies and grassroots communities.
It also aims at complementing government's efforts towards meeting the MDGs by commenting on various policy issues that are likely to impact on MDGs attainment.
Stakeholders wishing to take part in this dialogue are invited to comment on articles published in the newsletter and contribute articles for possible publication. They can do so by contacting the publishers at .