2. Map...Omega... and Compact |
Much recent debate about the alleviation of poverty in Southern Africa, and elsewhere in Africa, has revolved around the contents of the MAP and Omega documents produced by key African leaders. These have been supplemented by the ECA’s Compact document. These documents were recently discussed by African Ministers of Finance and of Economic Development and Planning
at a meeting convened by the Economic Commission for Africa in Algiers during May.
In line with its objectives of facilitating the sharing of perspectives on poverty and developmental processes, SARPN is distributing these key documents. A press statement issued by the Ministers after the Algiers meeting is also attached.
The documents are attached in the following order, under the following titles:
MAP (28 pages)
Omega (24 pages)
Compact (101 pages)
An ECA press statement, ECA (4 pages).
Other ECA documentation relevant to the Algiers meeting may be accessed at the ECA web site at: http://www.uneca.org