Since 2002 CARE International Lesotho has been implementing the LRAP. LRAP is a developmental relief response to the food security crisis experienced in Lesotho since 2002. The programme was designed and has been implemented in partnership with the Lesotho Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and local NGOs and with the support of the UK Department for International Development (DFID). The overall goal of the programme is to improve the livelihood security of vulnerable rural households by increasing awareness of the prevailing vulnerability, influencing policy through practical interventions and building productive agricultural assets that have a short term impact on food security while addressing some of the chronic, underlying causes.
The regional meeting is designed to share LRAP practice, research and policy lessons with a wide regional audience. Displays will showcase LRAP's work on the ground, and a series of presentations from CARE, NGOs and government will address topics such as:
Understanding livelihood change and evolving vulnerability in Lesotho
Homestead gardening - what's new and what difference does it make
Beyond the homestead gardening - mainstreaming HIV and AIDS thorugh positive living and nutrition
Understanding food security - policy and partnerships
Lessons for the region from LRAP
Participants drawn from several countries around the SADC region will have an opportunity to interact with LRAP project partners (CARE, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, NGOs, research institutions and community members). A limited number of bursaries are available to support participation from African institutions working on food security and HIV/AIDS mainstreaming in the region.