NEPAD health strategy - Initial programme of action
Support the establishment of an effective programme for the reduction of mortality from conditions associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and enable the effective integration of maternity services with the health system
One in 20 African women die of conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth compared to one in 4,000 in Europe. Although Africa constitutes only 17% of the world's births, more than half of those who die are from Africa. The aim is to put in place a programme that will avert the estimated 2-Ѕ million deaths, 49 million maternal disabilities and 7,5 million newborn deaths that are set to occur over the next 10 years. This requires focussed measures tied to strengthening of the operations of the district health system. In fact, maternal mortality is one of the best indicators of the performance of a country's health system.
Therefore, this programme will aim to ensure that those providing ante-natal care and assisting in childbirth at health centres and clinics are suitably skilled and that there is a mechanism in place for easy referral of women with complications to a functional first-level district hospital capable of providing a Caesarean section. The strengthening required would be integrated into the overall local health system, and will therefore be an engine for its development. The programme will be supported by district and national level staff trained specifically to provide expert continuing education and programme development support.