Regional food security much better than last year, national food security mixed
2002/03 production of the major staple cereal, maize, was about 10% higher than last year at regional
level; although in some countries— notably Zambia, Angola and Malawi—the increases were much
greater (see maps, right). Zimbabwe’s maize production, whilst much higher than last year, is still very
much below the last 5 and 10 year averages . Regionally, wheat, sorghum and millet production was
slightly down on last year; and rice production slightly up. Taking all cereals together, most countries saw
either little change (Mozambique, RSA, Swaziland, Tanzania) or large increases. Only in Lesotho was
production down significantly compared to last year. Total regional cereal production was 4% above the
1997/98 - 2001/02 average . . .
VAC figures finalized: Comparisons between VAC and EMOP food aid figures show mixed pattern
In July, WFP launched a new regional Emergency Operation (EMOP)
entitled Targeted Relief to Vulnerable Households in Southern Africa. This
covers the six SADC countries assisted during last year’s emergency operation,
namely Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and
Zimbabwe . . .