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Regional themes > HIV/AIDS Last update: 2020-11-27  

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HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming:
A definition, some experiences and strategies

A resource developed by HIV/AIDS focal points from government sectors and those that have been working on HIV/AIDS mainstreaming

January 2003

Posted with permission of DFID (SA)
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Table of contents
Section 1: What is the aim of the resource pack and who is it for?
Section 2: Why has the pack been developed?
Section 3: How was the resource pack developed?
Section 4: Background Information: Countries and SWAps
Section 5: Definition of Mainstreaming
Section 6: Conceptual Framework for HIV/AIDS mainstreaming
Section 7: Strategies for Mainstreaming
Section 8: Internal Mainstreaming
Section 9: External Mainstreaming
Section 10: Indicators for Mainstreaming
Section 11: Useful Resources on Mainstreaming
Appendix 1: Informal Contributors
Appendix 2: Mainstreaming Ideas from Malawi

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