SARPN activities |
Food security in Southern Africa: Causes and responses from across the region
18 March 2003, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria
A meeting hosted by the Southern African Regional Poverty Network in collaboration with CARE International and the French Institute of South Africa
[Background and purpose]
[Related papers]
Food security in Southern Africa: Causes and responses from across the region
2. Purpose of Meeting
The purpose of the meeting was to examine the underlying causes of the current food crisis in a number of
Southern African countries and to outline initial policy responses aimed at addressing food insecurity in the
region. The workshop therefore attempted to:
Identify long-term livelihood trends and coping strategies, using examples from the region.
Identify shocks and stresses, including HIV/AIDS that have impacted on livelihood strategies and
assessed their contribution to food insecurity and poverty in the Southern Africa region.
Identify lessons learnt and initial responses for government, civil society, donors and regional
institutions that move beyond the current food crisis.
The core objective of the meeting was to stimulate debate and to guide future analytical work as part of a
regional action-research agenda. The ultimate objective was to contribute to the development of livelihood
recovery strategies in the Southern African region, and to inform and influence key government and donor
agendas that integrate long and short term responses to the food crisis. This report attempts to distil the
major arguments and recommendations presented at the workshop, particularly in the closing plenary. The
papers presented at the workshop and a contact list of the participants, along with a wide range of other
documentation pertaining to the regional food crisis can be accessed on the SARPN website.