This is the first in a series of monthly newsletters to be issued by the Technical Secretariat to update Partners and other interested parties on the progress and plans of the Global Village Energy Partnership.
The Launch
The Global Village Energy Partnership was launched on August 31, 2002 at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa.
- The Partnership's Technical Secretariat reached approximately 450 people over the course of WSSD through a wide variety of Global Village Energy Partnership-related events, including the launch, such as UNDP's Energy Day at the Community Kraal and the Energy for Sustainable Development Day hosted by the Electrical Supply Commission of South Africa (ESCOM), the International Energy Agency (IEA) and UNEP.
- The launch was attended by over 150 people. Speakers included Mark Malloch Brown from UNDP, Peter Woicke from the World Bank and IFC as well as Ministers from Germany, Guatemala, the Netherlands, South Africa and Uganda, who pledged their commitment to the Partnership. Representatives speaking on behalf of Shell, BP, Rural Area Power Solution of South Africa (RAPS), Kumasi Insitute of Technology and Environment of Ghana (KITE), Munasinghe Institute for Development (MIND) and USAID also outlined energy-access related projects and pledged their support. The Minister of Environment from Pakistan along with a host of representatives from NGOs, small and large businesses, multilateral and bilateral lending agencies, the media and other civil society groups were in attendance as well, and many of them participated during the question and answer session.
- During the Sept 2, 2002 Implementation Meeting, attended by over 40 people, there was general consensus that 1) the Partnership's Technical Secretariat, responsible for day-to-day management, should remain with ESMAP for the immediate future; 2) a Consultative Executive Board Group would be formed to develop the Partnership governance, establishing it by the end of 2002; 3) participants are eager to contribute to and build on Partnership activities in the field.
The Partners
- The Partnership currently boasts 70 Partners
-- from the Philippines Department of Energy to IT Power US Inc. Partners have suggested collaborating on a wide range of activities, including actively contributing to the development of each of the Partnership's five service areas.
- Since WSSD, the Technical Secretariat has held and attended meetings with another 50 potential Partners.
- As requested in Johannesburg, the Secretariat is completing a Partnership database, which will list areas and location of Partners' Global Village Energy Partnership-related activity as well as contact information.
- We encourage all existing Partners and any prospective Partners to send plans for working with the Partnership to
info@gvep.org and or/fax us at 1-202-522-3018.
- Those interested in joining the Partnership may also view the Statement of Principles at
http://www.gvep.org/about/StatementOfPrinciples.html and submit the Partnership membership form
electronically through http://www.gvep.org/cfapps/inforequest/index.cfm.
Hard copies of this form are also available and may be obtained from the Technical Secretariat or any
existing Partners.
- The Consultative Executive Board Group is currently being coordinated by Judy Siegel of the
Technical Secretariat with the following three objectives: 1) making recommendations on Board
member selection process; 2)
proposing the detailed mandate for Board operating procedures and duration of appointment; and
3) establishing preliminary membership parameters, including possible financial contributions.
The proposed governance structure, developed before WSSD, is available at
http://www.gvep.org/about/GovernanceStructure.html as well as in hard copy through the Secretariat or any of the Partners.
- Membership in the Consultative Executive Board Group will remain open through the month of October.
For further information contact Judy Siegel at
judy@energyandsecurity.com or 703-715-0274.
- The Technical Secretariat is drafting work plans for the following Services: Action Plans, Capacity Building, Funding Facilitation, Knowledge Management and Results Monitoring. These work plans reflect Partner and focus group participant feedback to date and will soon incorporate results from further focus group consultation. Completed work plans will be sent to Partners for their review.
- For Action Plans, the Secretariat is moving ahead on a preliminary work plan; in the meantime, it is also participating in the Energy-Poverty Workshop, organized by ESMAP and the World Bank's Africa Region in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from October 22-24, 2002. The Workshop will involve a wide spectrum of activities including establishing next steps for the preparation of Global Village Energy Partnership-related Action Plans with Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. A similar conference will be held for West Africa from December 3-5.
- Work is underway to develop Capacity Development Services that will focus initially on consumer organizations and energy entrepreneurs. Activities include: 1) inventorying existing capacity building tools and organizations; 2) assessing capacity development needs and identifying gaps; and 3) beginning to design a pilot practitioner training program that will be held in 3 regions in 2003.
- The preliminary work plan for the Finance Facilitation Service includes the following activities, to be completed by the end of 2002: 1) inventorying existing financing sources; 2) inventory existing training programs and subsequently creating a training course; and 3) designing the Seed Capital Fund. As part of the Seed Capital Fund design process, a financing roundtable will be organized to explore experiences and lessons learned from other seed capital and related pre-feasibility funds.
- For Knowledge Management, the preliminary work plan includes the following activities, also to be completed by year-end: 1) develop the procurement section of the web site to enable firms, organizations and individuals to advertise and/or announce services, products and/or needs; 2) develop non-Internet dissemination tools, particularly radio, including a pilot radio program that addresses energy availability/access for communities, households and business owners; 3) develop project profiles and best practices in consultation with Partners.
Working with Other Type II Partnerships
- The Technical Secretariat has been consulting with a range of individuals and organizations involved in other Type II Partnerships, launched at WSSD to ensure complementarity in the development and implementation of programs.
- Specifically, members of the Secretariat are involved in the steering committee of the Global Knowledge Network for Sustainable Development as well as engaged in the EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development.
Technical Secretariat Staffing
- Following is a list of names and roles of those people working on the day-to-day management and development of the Partnership within the Technical Secretariat:
Dominique Lallement (chair and currently coordinator for Action Plans and Results Monitoring, assisted by Ghislaine Kieffer and Katharine Gratwick), Judy Siegel (coordinator for Finance Facilitation Services), Susan McDade (coordinator for Capacity Development Services, assisted by Minoru Takada and Ellen Morris), Katharine Gratwick (coordinator for Knowledge Management Services), Jacqueline Ajala (administrative support).
Monthly Newsletter: We encourage you to send updates for this newsletter, including any questions you may have about the Partnership, to
info@gvep.org or to contact the Partnership directly at 1-202-458-7261.