Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) SARPN thematic photo
Country analysis > Tanzania Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Tackling vulnerability: An approach to poverty reduction
Research and Analysis Working Group, Oct 2004

Tanzania: Joint Staff Assessment of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Progress Report
World Bank/IMF, Sep 2004

Poverty reduction strategy II: first draft for second round consultations
United Republic of Tanzania, 16 Aug 2004

Tanzania: Evaluation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) process and arrangements under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)
World Bank/International Monetary Fund, 6 Jul 2004

General budget support in Tanzania: a snapshot of its effectiveness
Brian Frantz, 3 Apr 2004

Republic of Tanzania: Poverty Reduction Strategy - Third progress report 2002/03
Government of Tanzania, Apr 2004

Tanzania: First review under the three year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mar 2004

The development of statistical systems and statistical challenges brought about by PRSPs
Cletus Mkai, Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics, 31 Oct 2003

Tanzania: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Progress Report
IMF, Apr 2003

Economic Commentary 2003
Nikubuka Shimwela, 2003

Annual profile: Tanzania
Betty Kaseke, Jan 2003

Globalisation and democratic governance in Tanzania
Chachage Seithy L. Chachage, Development Policy Management Forum (DPMF), 2003

Interview with John Hendra, UNDP Resident Representative
OCHA, IRIN, 14 Oct 2002

Tanzania: Focus on impact of agricultural subsidies
IRIN, 27 Sep 2002

Tanzania and the PRSP
Mr Clifford K Tandari, Jun 2002

First Progress Report on Tanzania without Poverty
Aug 2001

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Tanzania Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network
JSAN: PRSP annual implementation report
Tanzania: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper - Annual Implementation Report 2006/07
Civil society in Tanzania
Informal Cross Border Food Trade in Southern Africa

Tanzania and the PRSP
Tanzania: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Progress Report
First Progress Report on Tanzania without Poverty

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